Abbey Bounce Back Appeal

Since its recent re-opening, Bath Abbey has launched a Bounce Back Appeal to raise urgently needed funds to support its continuing work and care of its building. During lockdown around 140,000 people have not been able to come to the Abbey and the financial impact is severe and far reaching.

The Abbey's Rector, Revd Guy Bridgewater, said: "We receive no support from the government or from the wider church and we project that our visitor numbers are going to continue to be low into next year. That's why we've started the urgent Abbey Bounce Back Appeal to ask for help with the Abbey's mission and to continue to look after our beautiful heritage."

We depend on donations from our supporters to ensure our doors stay open, our building is cared for and worship services are available for all in person and online. We are so grateful to all those who support the Abbey. If you would like to help, please visit our donation page.

Bath Abbey