Please note: There will be a combined Harvest Service at 10am on Sunday 22 Sept.

Please check our What's On pages for up to date service information.

Sunday Services

Details of our Sunday services in the Abbey are as follows:


Holy Communion


Church Family Communion


Sung Eucharist


Choral Evensong


Informal Service

*We offer livestreams of these services for those who wish to join us online. If you are attending a service in person, there is a possibility you could be included in the filming. If you do not wish to be, please ask one of the ushers to offer you a suitable seat.

To view the term’s Services & Music List, please click here.

Music List

Music is very much at the heart of our richly varied services. The Abbey Choir (Boys or Girls and Lay-Clerks) perform music at services regularly every week and during special services. You can find out about this month's music by contacting us:, 01225 422462.

To view the term’s Services & Music List, please click here.

Aerial view of Bath

Welcome for Worship

Whether you're a local, a student, or a visitor to the city, you are very welcome to worship at Bath Abbey. We have many different congregations that gather here each Sunday as well as during our services throughout the week. Other aspects of worship that we run include social action, lifelong learning and homegroups.

All our Sunday services are large enough to allow you to be anonymous if you choose. However, if you'd like to be welcomed into the Abbey's life more fully, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact us by email: or by calling 01225 422462 and a member of clergy will be in touch with you.

Holy Communion
8am Sunday

This beautiful service of Holy Communion, using the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, begins at 8.00am every Sunday. This service includes a sermon, but no hymns, and lasts for approximately 45 minutes.

Family taking Communion at Parish Communion service

Church Family Communion
9.30am Sunday

with crèche and children’s groups

The service lasts just over an hour and combines prayer and praise with glorious music from our Abbey Choir and thoughtful preaching. The atmosphere is relaxed and children are warmly welcomed. There are children's groups fortnightly during term-time and a crèche is offered all year round. Everyone is invited to stay on after the service to chat over a cup of fresh coffee or tea.

New for 2024 - "All Together" Service

Once a month on Sundays, 9.30am (In place of Church Family Communion)

In 2024 we are launching a new Abbey “All Together” Sunday Service, to be held once a month at 9.30am.

Starting on Sunday 4th February, and usually* on the first Sunday of each month thereafter, this will be an opportunity for all ages to come together in worship, from across the Abbey family.

“All Together” will be a service of joyful morning worship with something for everybody, adults as well as children; we aim for service content to be accessible, but in no way “dumbed down”, for example.

Our choristers will be encouraged to bring their families for this monthly service, that is led “for” them rather than “by” them. We hope very much that our regular 9.30 congregation will warmly embrace this new vision for worship “All Together”; meanwhile, as always, services of Holy Communion will also be available at 8.00am & 11.30 as always.

*A full annual list of All Together Service dates will be issued, indicating when (because of Mothering Sunday or Harvest Festival for example) a different Sunday of the month has been allocated in place of the first Sunday.

For the coming year they will be : 4th February; 10th March (Mothering Sunday); 12th May; 9th June; 7th July; 8th September; 6th October; 3rd November

Shoppers' in Bath Abbey for Shoppers' Carols
Bath Abbey Boys' Choir singing Evensong

Sung Eucharist
Sunday 11.30am

This formal service, which lasts approximately 70 minutes, combines elegant liturgy, thoughtful preaching and magnificent music.

Please note this service is filmed and live-streamed. We make every effort to ensure that those attending are not identifiable to the cameras. A limited number of seats are available for those who wish to not be filmed - please ask a steward - otherwise you are presumed to have given your consent.

Choral Evensong
Sunday 3.30pm

This beautiful service lasts for approximately 45 minutes and combines the memorable cadences of Thomas Cranmer's Book of Common Prayer with a distinctive repertoire of English Church music.

During term-time these services are sung by the Abbey's choirs of Girls and Lay-clerks, or Boys and Lay-clerks. Occasionally these services may be sung by the Bath Abbey Chamber Choir and during the holidays, by visiting choirs.

Please note this service is filmed and live-streamed. We make every effort to ensure that those attending are not identifiable to the cameras. A limited number of seats are available for those who wish to not be filmed - please ask a steward - otherwise you are presumed to have given your consent.


Informal Service
Sunday 6.30pm

A short reflective service with reflections on Scripture, prayers and lighting candles supported by instrumental musicians, which lasts for approximately 30 minutes.

This informal evening service also welcomes everyone of all ages to worship and prayer, and draws on the worship style of Taize.

We are uniquely positioned, with our half a million visitors a year to the Abbey, to listen to and to celebrate stories of faith from around the world, and this is what we aim to do in this service. It is a perfect way to end the day.

Weekday Services

We offer a variety of weekday worship here at Bath Abbey and would love you to join us in person, if you can.

We invite you to start and end the day with us with

  • Morning Prayer at 8.30-9am Monday - Thursday
  • Evening Prayer at 5.30-6pm Monday - Friday (excluding Thursdays)
  • Choral Evensong at 5.30-6.15pm on Tuesday & Thursday (term time only)
  • Holy Communion at 12.00 - 12.30pm on Wednesdays (a short reflective service)

Please note: On Friday mornings we offer a service of Holy Communion at 8.30am in the Alphege Chapel.

For further information and to check for seasonal changes please see our What's On pages.

Alternatively, if you wish to join us by saying daily prayer at home, you can follow the service online using the Daily Prayer RSS.

For any further details contact the Abbey Office - 01225 422462

People sat in Bath Abbey listening to a service with a Christmas tree is the background

Special Services

We have a number of special services planned throughout the year. For further details please see our what's on section.




Bath Abbey