Webinar Race Equality in B&NES – Progress Made & Challenges Ahead

Monday 18 Oct, 6-7.15pm via Zoom

Hosted by Cllr Dine Romero, you’ll hear from the BANES Council’s Race Panel, Schools Race Task Force, Boys in Mind & other local organisations & museums. As part of the Abbey’s continued commitment to racial justice, we’re joining with others in the city in a shared goal of learning from the past and also working for a more equal and fair future for all. The Abbey will be represented by our Learning Officer, Polly Andrews. Do come along (virtually!) if you can.

Sign up via https://bathnes.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_M2kcuernRua4Op34eyElHw

For more details about the event, email Equality@bathnes.gov.uk