Bath Abbey’s Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2020

Thank you to everyone who attended our APCM and for your continued support of the Abbey especially those carrying on or taking on roles. A very special thank you to Liz Westbrook who stepped down as Churchwarden – we’ll miss you, Liz, but hope you enjoy a much-deserved break! We are thrilled, and also very grateful that Rose Amphlett will be joining James Playfair in the Abbey Churchwardens role starting next month.

Footprint Project walk through video

If you were unable to attend the APCM and would like to watch the Footprint Project video that was shown, you can watch it here.

Annual Review

The Annual Review for 2019-2010 is now available here. If you’d like a printed copy, we kindly ask if you could please download and print this yourself, as we’re only printing a small number of copies this year. If you’d like a printed copy but are unable to print this yourself, please speak to a Churchwarden or pick one up from the Abbey Office.





Bath Abbey